Fellowship Committee
"Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels."
Hebrews 13:2
Putting hospitality into practice . . .
welcoming the stranger,
nourishing hearts, minds, and bodies
in celebration or sorrow,
befriending the young and the old,
the sick and the well.
The Fellowship Committee helps our parish grow as a caring faith community by planning and supporting activities which help us get to know each other better and assist each other in need. Creating and nurturing the bonds of friendship and support among the parishioners of Church of the Resurrection is what Fellowship is all about.
The Fellowship Committee (a really fun group of people!) meets once a month for about an hour to share ideas, energies, and talents to enable the success of new and ongoing activities. Meetings take place the second Thursday of the month, at 7:00 p.m., in the Pastoral Center Conference Room. Attendance is not required at every meeting to be a valued member.
For more information, contact Mary Reif, committee chair:
(H) 410-303-7250, (C) 410-992-8354, or mtreif@outlook.com