Sacrament Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
The goal of the Sacramental Preparation Ministry at the Pastorate of St. Paul Church and Church of the Resurrection is to instruct, inform, and guide children and their families through the teachings of the Catholic Church regarding the reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist. This ministry is designed to assist families to leading a sacramental life which includes regular participation in the Holy Mass, Reconciliation, and regular reception of the Eucharist.
Children, usually ages 7-8 years old, can be prepared to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist for the first time. Preparation for these Sacraments is a stand-alone ministry that is not part of our regular Faith Formation at St. Paul Parish, Church of the Resurrection nor in our Catholic School-Resurrection/St. Paul school religious education classes. The preparation consists of classroom instruction, home instruction, and at least one rehearsal session prior to receiving each sacrament. Parents are asked to attend two introductory sessions as well as work along with their children through the resources and at home retreat. This experience will need to be scheduled into your daily live and a regular commitment with your children’s schedule.
Following this link, will show you the resource our families use during this preparation phase: St. Mary's Press, "Go! Seek! Find!
For the 2024-25 season
the sessions at St. Paul, will be offered on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:45pm in the Center for the New Evangelization.
Children’s First Reconciliation preparation begins in October and First Reconciliation will be celebrated in a group setting in November. Otherwise, the parishes offer individual opportunities for Reconciliation on Saturday afternoons prior to the vigil Mass. (Saturday evening Mass).
Children’s First Eucharist preparation will begin in February, and First Eucharist Masses are celebrated during the Easter season.
Register for the session that works best for your family schedule regardless of which parish you belong-either Tuesday or Wednesday evening. We do request that once your child is registered to a particular campus, your child remains in that session.
If your child needs to make up a session, it can be accomplished on-line. Details to come.
Additional details and information will be shared during the Parent Meetings scheduled for Tuesday, September 24th (Resurrection campus) OR Wednesday, September 25th (St. Paul campus) from 6:30-7:45pm.

Susan Yost
Pastorate Catechetical Leader
Contact for all K-5th grade Faith Formation questions as well as for Sacrament Preparation for Reconciliation & Eucharist