Our Daily Bread
Who do we serve?
The poor and hungry in Baltimore City.
What do we do?
Provide cooked, frozen chicken and rice casseroles (recipe and pans provided) once a month to Catholic Charities' Our Daily Bread Hot Meal Program.
When do we do it?
Resurrection and St. Paul's parishioners prepare casseroles for Our Daily Bread to be delivered on the 1st Friday of each EVEN month.
(February, April, June, August, October and December)
Pans and recipes are provided the weekend before at the church exits after all the weekend Masses; additional pans can be found in the Pastoral Center during the week.
How can I get involved?
Contact Sue and Jim Fischer: 410-461-3081 for more information or to volunteer to help collect and/or deliver the casseroles.
Ministry history
Resurrection parish has provided frozen casseroles to Our Daily Bread for
decades. Since June 1, 1981, this program has never missed a day of lunch service to
those experiencing hunger in Baltimore, in spite of blizzards, hurricanes or any other
Where do we serve?
Parishioners take pans home and prepare the casseroles per the recipe provided. Click here for the recipe.
The cooked, frozen casseroles are collected by volunteers on the 1st Friday of EVEN months (Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec) from 7 - 9 am outside the Pastoral Center.
DUE to construction we are no longer collecting on Thursday evenings and we can not accept donations outside of the above Friday morning schedule.
Assigned volunteers take the casseroles down to Our Daily Bread and help serve.