Christmas Adopt-A-Family and Advent Collections
Who do we serve?
Outreaches in Baltimore City and Howard County that serve the poor: St. Gregory and St. Veronica Catholic Churches; Our Daily Bread; The Franciscan Center; Happy Helpers for the Homeless and St. Vincent de Paul.
What do we do?
Adopt-A-Family provides gift cards for Christmas dinner and gifts for 250 outreach families. While Advent Collections provide winter clothing and toys to over 500 individuals.
When do we do it?
Adopt-A-Family begins in mid-November and runs through early December. The Advent Collections occur during one weekend in December.
Where do we serve?
All outreach activities occur at Resurrection.
Ministry history
Adopt-A-Family was the first project the Social Justice Committee sponsored when it was founded in 1990. It has become one of the signature projects Resurrection parishioners associate with the committee. It's a way for members of the parish to share the joy of the Christmas season with our neighbors in need.
We have recently updated the Adopt-A-Family program to better serve the needs of the outreach families, giving them the opportunity to purchase the things their families need and their children want. If you prefer buying gifts for others, please consider donating items to the Advent Collection in December.
How can I get involved?
Contact Peggy Gessler: gesslerpeggy@gmail.com or John Wilkin: jcwilkin48@gmail.com, or look for details in the bulletin and Resurrection Connections starting in mid-November.
Relevant links
Franciscan Center
"Dear Church of The Resurrection,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Your generosity abounds! You blessed us in so many ways. Thank you for such kindness and generosity! You are benefactors to so many here at St. Gregory the Great and the community. May God give you all the love your share to others. I am sure your love abounds!
Blessing! Joy! Peace! Love! Be Yours!
In Jesus's name, Thank you!"
Gloria Williams,Outreach Program,
St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church, Baltimore
Photos and appreciation